Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Deepest apologies and strongest regrets! I have fully neglected both my blog, hobbies, interests and self!
Almost 6 months of stagnant page activity and stagnant progression in self fulfilment. Why? Because I am easily distracted and procrastinate far too much! If you don't like something, change it! And that is fully what I intend to do! And I fully intend to start with these characteristics.

So my first blog post in how ever many months is a mere humble apology to not only my inner blossoming self that I have failed to nurture, but to the mere passers by who have found themselves stumbling upon my page!

But today has been one of those days in which I have woken up and put my  game face on! Daydreams about my hopes, aspirations and desired future simply won't cut it any more. Time to get serious!

So, this blog will continue to be a following of my utter and complete random life! But will also be a channel for me record my 'dear diary' moments and track my own progress in life!

Goals? Apart from my current yearning to develop a set of abs like the ultimate it girl for the fabulous life of a glamorous lady thug, Teyana Taylor herself! My main goal right now is just be content in myself and life! To feel good about myself! Through exercise (pretty key if I want abs!), uni, music, friends, fashion and all else that I may encounter, I hope to achieve both happiness and success.

But success is not success unless you can use it to benefit others! Most of all, I wish to inspire. Both those I know and those I don't know. If I could inspire only one passing stranger I could honestly say that I have become successful in being me!

So to sign off, I'll leave you with a cheeky little picture of the black beauty herself. She's my THINsperation! True Story!
Until next time (and I promise there will be a next time),

TheGoldSmith x

Monday, 11 June 2012

Ethical Fashion. Do we really care?

Yet again flicking through one of my favourite blogs, The Business of Fashion (BOF), I came across this debate fuelling post.

Can Ethical Fashion Really Be Fashionable? 
My answer to the question would be that I soon hope so! I understand the points that are being put across within the article and I quite agree with the views. When I wake up and get dressed in the morning, go out shopping and purchase new items, I very rarely ask myself how and where these items have been made. And unless really forced to ask the question, I am unlikely to wonder whether the items have been made with an ethical focus.

Whenever faced with this topic, I find myself becoming very emotionally involved and concerned for a short time afterwards. But it doesn't take long before I go back to buying products and having no knowledge as to where they have come from.

I believe that I and many other people fail to ask this question when buying items is because we shouldn't have to. In my opinion, we as the consumer should not have to worry about the ethical and or immoral manors in which these high and mighty companies go about conducting themselves in, because all companies should conduct all business activities in an ethical manor. So, when I do see items labelled as being 'ethical' or 'green'  or what have you, yes I will look at them, but I am then more likely to bypass them as I assume that all other collections have been produced in the same or similar way. Or that the whole business is operating in the same way. Yes, I know, this can be seen as a very naive view.

What baffles me, is how the individuals who run these large and minor scale companies, are able to continue producing products well aware of the unethical operations that are carried out throughout their production line. 

Ethical fashion can and will become fashionable. But it will only happen when all companies as a whole take it upon themselves to operate in an ethical manor from the offset. And not to merely appeal to a small niche market of consumers. When all companies are able to meet this, then ultimately all fashion related products that are made will be both ethical and fashionable.

Easier said than done. I know. 
But, someday in the near future, when I am able to start my own brand and fashion label, I hope and aspire to create all products with the best ethical and moral background possible. Not because it is the current market trend, but because to me, that is the only way in which a business should really be run. As an individual, I would not be able to let these factors pass my conscience.

What are your views on this subject and topic? Do you enquire into company CSR policies before purchasing from them? What factors work to affect your purchasing process? 

TheGoldSmith. x

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Home & Grown

Scrolling through one of my much loved blogs, The Business of Fashion (or BOF as some may call it), I came across this article from a few days ago.

Made in Britain's new wave - Telegraph

It talks of how the manufacture of British fashion is slowly beginning to creep back to shore. I find the topic of oversea manufacture and the UK's real position and influence within the fashion market to be very interesting as I always seem to get riled up and passionate when it pops into topic.

The real question I always seem to pose though, is how long will it take before we are reunited with the prosperous textile industry that the UK was once home to? And what will be the effects of this? As much as I hope to see this change happen for the good, I'm sure that it will have some kind of effect on the fashion industry that may not work for the better.

For example, when manufacturing moved overseas to. countries of cheaper labour, yes, fashion companies were now able to supply products at low prices, but it was at the expense of employee exploitation. By bringing manufacture back to the UK, will we then face the cost of higher priced garments? Yes, quality is now a factor that consumers are beginning to look for and pay more attention to in their purchases, but are we as a country really ready and willing to pay these higher prices?

So many more questions and potential scenarios arise when I debate this topic. How will this effect fast fashion? How will it effect the economy? What will be the new world pecking order? As the BRIC economies emerge and begin to take greater stances on the fashion industry, will the UK be forgotten? Are we soon to be exploited in a similar way to those before?

But despite the sceptical questioning, I know that the UK is home to many of the worlds most innovative and creative designers. We hold heritage of past ancestors and generations who were and still are highly skilled in textile manufacture. So why not be proud of our heritage and share that with the world?

I have no hesitation in our ability to produce quality goods. I have hesitation in our ability to sustain the production in quality goods. But I would not be so passionate on the topic if I didn't want to have an impact on it myself. With the hope and ambition to one day start my own company and clothing brand, I want to be a part of the new generation that believes in home grown manufacture and recognises the significance of heritage.

Just some food for thought :)

TheGoldSmith. x

Friday, 1 June 2012

The Sartorialist

So recently I've really been dwelling on the major rise and dominance of Street Style and it's major impact on where our current fashion influences stem from. The age of the blogger has been upon us for quite a few years now, so I'm sure that by now most fashion savvy folks have that one blogger that they obsess over. Mine is most definitely Scott Schuman. No doubt about it.

He is definitely the worlds most popular street photographer and if you've ever seen his work or visited his site, I'd say it's rather obvious why!
His images are powerful and truly influential in some kind of unspoken way. He doesn't need to write a paragraph of text to accompany his images because they speak for themselves.

As I'm currently at a stage of desire for my own professional camera and undergoing a growing interest in photography, I thought I'd share some of my favourite images off Scott Schuman's http://www.thesartorialist.com blog.

And here they are...

   I love these images firstly as I have personal fascination with Men's fashion and tailoring. I love seeing how different generations and people can take one genre of style and twist it to make it their own.

I find it interesting seeing the similarities between the styles of generations. The Elder gentlemen's style in the top left image, with his trouser just exposing his socks, the bowler hat and handkerchief in pocket has been replicated with the two younger men, but with jeans and patterned socks bringing a modern edge to the look.

I must admit that I do though have a personal love and obsession with old school hats, fedoras and bowler style especially, as they remind me of my own Grandfather.

The braces, crisp white shirt and bow tie of the gentlemen in the top right image are flawless. he just looks like such a Gentlemen!

Below are few more images that I have kept of Scott Schuman's work that act as inspiration for me.

When you go out and about your everyday life, look at and take in all things around you. There will always be something to inspire you.

TheGoldSmith. x

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Design & Visual Communication: 90s Nostalgia

 Here are a few images from my latest DVC module assignment at uni. Our brief was to carry out our own photo shoot, photoshop and edit the pictures in order to create either a front cover image or page spread for our choice of fashion magazine. As you can see I chose POP magazine!

The image above was my final image, which I'm about submit tomorrow. The images below are ones with which I merely experimented with.
 This isn't my strongest module of the course and although severely stressed whilst carrying out the work, I can now say that I did actually enjoy it. I've been thinking about investing some money into a professional camera and improving my photography and photoshop skills, but this has definitely secured the idea in my mind.
 I decided not to go down the route of 90's grunge, more typically associated with the era, but decided to embrace the theme of Hip Hop and street style instead. Not that I don't like the Grunge fashion of the 90s, but I can relate to the hip hop fashions much more!

Just thought i'd share this with you fellow Blogspottiens! :)

Much love,
The GoldSmith x

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


So my attempt at making progress on my final end of term assignment was a major fail today.
Shockingly, I found myself diverting from the thrilling process of dissecting fabric swatches, figuring out weaving constructions and yarn types, to trawling the site of Tumblr.
Initially looking for inspiration for an assignment for a 2nd module, I found myself further in awe of the up coming model Leomie Anderson.
Not only is she a very beautiful young lady, with legs that probably equate to longer than my own body height, but she is an inspiration. For black girls and all other races of young girls out there. Passionate about her modelling career, she often speaks of how it hard it is for a young black female in the fashion industry to get themselves noticed, find work and not be seen as a minor. But she also talks of how these limitations merely increase her drive and motivation to becoming successful in what she does.

As a young black female, it is young ladies like Leomie, who are the same age as myself that inspire me to make a difference. In my own life, in the fashion industry and in the world. 

I am 100% certain that I want to go into the fashion industry. Not for the lifestyle, or the perks, but for the impact! Fashion can change a person, describe a personality, reflect and dictate society. Almost every person in the world has some kind of connection to fashion, even those who deny their interest will be touched by the industry in some way. I aspire to and one day WILL be apart of that impact. If not for myself, then for the next and my own generation of unheard and unseen black girls, dreaming dreams and creating goals. And for every other person who's story has been unspoken.

My procrastination today, may have held me back from completing a sheet of work to go toward my assignment. But it helped to understand why I'm doing this work and why its important that I do well in uni. The below 100% effort i was putting into work today is sure to be doubled tomorrow!

Go Hard or Go Home! 

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Everyday Motions

So, this is my first blog post in quite a few months! I do apologise! But I'm going to make much more of an  effort to post on regular basis from now!

But last night I had an odd dream about an old acquaintance who unfortunately passed away in the late months of last year. Despite the fact that I'd not spoken or seen her in about a year, she still managed to have a huge impact on my life. Such a lovely and positive young lady who left us in the early stages of her life. My main upset and revelation from the situation was that it can sometimes only take a major circumstance or turn in events for us to notice the amazing qualities that certain people have! The sad thing is that she now has no idea the influence she has had on many peoples lives, including my own! 

Appreciate those around you while they're here! And don't be afraid to tell them that you do!

Then, Only 10 minutes before writing this post, I was scrolling through the blog site of http://letsputourheartstogether.blogspot.co.uk/, reading her posts and in particular her posts on street style in and around Nottingham. As I read many of the comments left on her page, it stuck out to me how the simplest of blogs or photos posted by one person can effect and inspire so many other people. Be it people you know or strangers from around the world!

As I continued to rummage through posts and comments, I found a streetstyle post in which I feature. I found a few comments that complimented my outfit and how they were going to take inspiration from what I was wearing. Now, I'm not trying to big myself up in any way! aha But I simply find it amazing how something that I put on in the morning, be it with much thought and consideration or just chucked on, can inspire another person!

This then, lead me to a coco channel saying and image that I keep on my phone and is currently residing as my screen saver! 

"I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little, if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny."

Now, I'm sure this could simply be taken as meaning make sure you look descent when leaving the house, just in case you meet someone important, but I like to read into it slightly more.

When you're out and about on a daily basis, the way you look is important. But that's not to say that we don't all have sloppy days when we just cannot be bothered and that is fine! But always be cautious about what you're doing and how you do it. You don't have to know a person to have an influence on their life! A mere smile and positive attitude toward everything you do can stretch further those who stand in front of you!

That is all. Thanks for listening to me ramble on :) Xx

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Bargain Hunt!

Yes! SALE is my  favourite word! & despite my lack of like toward Next, these new items did make me rather happy!

   Bowler Hat - £1   Printed Tee - £3   Grey Biker Leggings - £7

I know that sales can be very tedious and rather hectic, but there is no harm in having a mild rummage! Take my word for it!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Making Do

So! I was mid way having a tantrum the other day as I am fed up with being broke, having no moeny to buy the clothes that I am quite desperately desiring this sale season & BAM! Most genius idea ever!
I've decided to steal a few of my dads unwanted and no longer worn shirts & restyle them :)
(Okay, so it's not THE most genius of ideas but I was quite proud of the idea aha and it's better then nothing!)
Above is an image of one of the shirts that I have started to chnge already. I've taken of the sleeves and i've simply added a few darts to the front and back to take it in slightly. But I do not want to adjust this one too much. I quite like the idea of just wearing it as an oversized boyfriend shirt, with just some leggings, brouges/loafers.
I'll take a picture of it when I wear it so you can see :)

My mum has found her old singer sewing machine too! So i'm going to get that serviced, get it working & lug it up to uni with me! That way I get more creative with cheap clothing more often! Desperate times call for desperate measures! But it in all my desperation, this is turning out to be quite fun!